This post will be updated as my coffeeneuring continues ...
So, a local cycling blogger hosts an annual challenge called "coffeeneuring". It's not an extreme challenge, like riding a century or running a marathon. Rather, it's a lighthearted way to get people out on their bikes and, in better times, socializing. The basic notion (cribbed from the event web site) is:
- over the course of 7’ish weeks,
- ride your bike to 7 different places,
- at least 2 miles round trip each time,
- drink 7 cups of coffee (or similar), and
- take 7 pictures (or other documentation) as proof of your coffeeneuring.
Most importantly, there are trinkets! People who complete the challenge can get a patch! There was also a chance to order socks, but I didn't notice it until two weeks after the deadline had passed.
Here are my coffeeneuring rides:
Week 1: 10/10 - 10/16
Ride #1:
Date: 10/13/20
Destination: Tysons Corner Walmart, in an attempt to buy 1 lb. gas cylinders for my tabletop patio heater. Oh, yeah - I shouldn't forget to mention that I dropped off my ballot for the presidential election along the way - fingers crossed! I got my beverage at the Dunkin' Donuts across the street, at 1495 Cornerside Blvd., Vienna, VA
Strava link:
Mileage: 18.6
Beverage: Dunkin' Donuts decaf iced coffee. Okay, this isn't a properly hoity-toity coffeeneuring beverage, but it was a surprisingly warm day, and I had forgotten to bring water. The iced coffee was the only decaf they had (I've generally avoided caffeine since briefly being dead back in 2017).
Ride #2:
Date: 10/15/20
Destination: Thursday coffee club. This used to be known as WTFCC, for "Whole (the) Foods Coffee Club". Due to pandemic consideration it no longer meets at Whole Foods. Instead, it meets where there's a group of Adirondack chairs outside an office park in Crystal City. So I don't know what the location is called. I used to go to coffee clubs pretty regularly, but when I'm not commuting anywhere it's a lot harder to convince myself to get out the door at 6:30 AM. Outside of 201 12th St. S, Arlington, VA.
Strava link:
Mileage: 18.8
Beverage: Drip coffee (decaf, of course, since I've generally avoided caffeine since pieces of my heart were replaced with aftermarket parts in 2017).
Week 2: 10/17 - 10/23
Ride #3:
Destination: Mom & Pop at Mosaic District, Merrifield. 2909 District Ave., Fairfax, VA. I went there to meet my friend and former co-worker Sharlene. As hard as it is to believe, we've known each other for 27 years. For 24 of those years we worked for the same company (though not always in the same organization). She's still there!
Strava link:
Mileage: 13
Beverage: Decaf skim latte (decaf because I've generally avoided caffeine since the day my doctor, having finally gotten around to taken a second look at my test results, called me up and said, "you should avoid any strenuous exercise and go see a cardiologist as soon as possible." That made for a great story over dinner on Friday, and hospitalization the following Monday).
Week 3: 10/24 - 10/30
Ride #4:
Strava link:
Mileage: 15.6
Beverage: Decaf skim latte (decaf because I've generally avoided caffeine since that time when the chest pains my doctor had long misdiagnosed as seasonal asthma turned out to be my coronary arteries doing their best impersonation of the Beltway at rush hour).
Week 4: 10/31 - 11/6
Ride #5:
Strava link:
Mileage: 10.4
Beverage: I learned that Best Buns has gotten a little more user-friendly about ordering since the last time I was there early in the pandemic and so I think I could go back to ordering from them. Still, right now they're not making the bran muffins (since the pandemic started they haven't been making any of their sourdough-based products, for whatever reason) and without bran muffin temptation it's easier to stay on the low fat wagon. I brought my own coffee and breakfast. Just plain old black coffee, and a container of overnight oats with dried blueberries and slivered almonds. The coffee is, of course, decaf (because I've generally avoided caffeine since that time I was way ahead of trend in spending time on a ventilator).
Week 5: 11/7 - 11/13
Ride #6:
Strava link:
Mileage: 19.5
Beverage: I still order drinks as "skim", though Millennial baristas refer to it as "non-fat" (maybe it's their training rather than their age). In any case, large skim decaf latte and a Tosi snack bar, something I'd never tried before (thumbs up!). Decaf because ... well, I think you get it by now.
Ride #7:
Strava link:
Mileage: 31.7
Beverage: Genuine coffee. The stuff with caffeine. Because every once in a while I love the rush you get from consuming caffeine when you no longer have a baseline tolerance for it. I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy fun fun fun fun fun!
Week 6: 11/14 - 11/20
No rides. How'd that happen?
Week 7: 11/21 - 11/23
No rides. I had planned on doing a combined accordioneuring/coffeeneuring ride on the 23rd, but the weather turned out to be funky - cold and very windy. Oh well, some day I'll have to do an "Always Be Accordioneuring" ride.
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