Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Direction

Yesterday morning it was off to the pool again for another rolling session. As I passed the Metro Station I saw signs of inaugural activity. There were people heading for the trains to head downtown for the concert. There were porta-potties by the station entrance (to handle the overflow crowds?). Tour buses were zipping hither and yon.

At the pool I once again worked on my offside roll - that is, rolling the kayak in the opposite direction. Everyone has an "onside" and and "offside" - like being right or left-handed. My onside rolls are pretty bombproof but my offside has been non-existent. Yesterday, though, it worked! I was doing ear-to-the-water braces, sculling braces, and even rolls on the off side. Not with a 100% success rate, but far better than ever before.

Could this be a sign that we're heading in a new direction?

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...