Friday, July 4, 2014

SUP Experiment in Georgetown

So, I've been meaning for some time to try SUP. "What's SUP?" you say? Nothing much, what's SUP with you?

<Rimshot />

SUP is stand-up paddle boarding, and it's been all the rage for the last couple of years. A lot of people who would have been casual kayakers in years past are now up SUP-ing instead. It's never seemed very appealing to me, to tell you the truth. You're paddling along standing up on a wide surf board. It's supposed to be a good workout, but it seems rather uncomfortable and limiting. 

Anyway, one Sunday Ted and I headed into Georgetown to try SUP rental, but it was so crowded and hard to park that I just gave up and went home. I hate to be thwarted, so the next day, my telework day, I planned for a long lunch break and headed for Key Bridge Boathouse. I was there and parked in under 15 minutes, as opposed to 40+ just to get there on Sunday. 

KBB is, unfortunately, no longer Jack's. It's like running into someone you know after the zombies or the Borg have gotten to them. Yes, it's still recognizable by sight, but its spirit different. The old school connection to the river is gone. Frank Baxter and the various river rat hobos who worked the place (or just spent time there) - all gone, replaced by college kids in matching t-shirts and an impersonal, efficient rental process reminiscent of a fast food restaurant. 

All that notwithstanding, I was soon standing on a paddle board, heading upriver towards the Three Sisters Islands. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had no problem with balance on the thing. I got up and down from my knees several times without incident. I shouldn't judge first time paddle boarding against kayaking skills honed over the years, but boy, paddle boarding is SLOW. It took me about 30 minutes to cover the short distance from Key Bridge to the islands. I had a little current against me, and every time the wind blew it brought me to a standstill, as when you're on a board you act as a pretty big sail. 

As expected, the trip back downriver was faster as I had the wind and current with me, and I paddled back to Key Bridge Borghouse -- oops, Boathouse -- without incident.

Can you sense a lackluster response on my part to my SUP experiment?

Provisional Verdict: Meh. Better than not being on the river, but much less sensible than a kayak.

Long-term prognosis: I'll likely try it again so as not to make a snap judgement.

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...