Tuesday, May 6, 2014

For the Record, He Wasn't Kidding

Sunday Tall Tom & I loaded up the boats and headed to the Patuxent River. Our plan was to launch from the Patuxent Riverkeeper headquarters, a new launch for us. When we got there it seemed deserted but we knocked and went inside, where we found a very granola-ish man and woman who I guess were volunteer house-sitting the place. When we said we wanted to launch, the guy said, "I'm sorry, you can't do that, the river is closed." I figured the guy was just being a wise ass. Rivers don't close. They're just there.

Well, it turns out he wasn't kidding. The torrential rains that has passed through earlier in the week had washed sewage and other contaminants into the river and all the launch points were closed. We walked out to the dock (partially detached by the rain-swollen river) and looked at the unusually scummy and brown water, then got under way.

Figuring we didn't want to waste the day entirely we drove up to Jug Bay, where they gave us the same story about the river being closed. So instead we hiked a couple of miles on the park's trails before heading back to DC.

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...