Sunday, April 6, 2014


Ahh, the smell of sunscreen, tung oil and dry suit sweat. Surely this is the aroma of spring. Tall Tom and I set out from Gravelly Point on what was originally to have been a cherry blossom paddle. Unfortunately the blossoms were uncooperative, being barely at the stage of peduncle elongation  - in other words, not much color. So instead we headed up the Anacostia River, up to and a little past the railway bridge.

It's getting to be that time of year when the air is warm but the water is cold. Time to schvitz in our dry suits and tut tut at those out on the river without proper cold water gear (which today included several groups of novice rowers and dragon boaters out of the Anacostia Boathouse, as well as any number of scullers).

Looking for Blossoms at Haines Point

I had noticed in the past that the Anacostia Waterfront Park has a small boat ramp but I'd never stopped there. I'm happy to report it was a pleasant place to take a break, stretch our legs (and my back, which was a little achy), and make use of some greatly appreciated if not exactly spotless restrooms.

All and all, a pleasant little trip and my second outing with my newly carved paddle - which I'm quite happy with. I got to impress Tom not only with the paddle but also with the awesome penguin fleece paddle bag V made for me.

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...