Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wilderness First Aid

Arm splinted, reviewing first aid kit essentials

Moulton and Paul immobilize Steve's head after a simulated neck injury
Chesapeake Paddlers Association organized a special American Red Cross Wilderness First Aid (WFA) class for its trip leaders. If McGuyver and Clara Barton had ever hooked up the result would have been WFA - it's learning to give aid when you're far from help, using only the items you have available (splinting with kayak paddles, etc.). The course was expertly taught by Red Cross-ers & CPA members Tom & Paul, who provided two months worth of classroom knowledge in two days while still getting us out of our seats for lots of scenario-based learning. I learned how unlucky Ralph is - over the course of the weekend he suffered three heart attacks, rolled down an embankment twice, and suffered a few other injuries. Not to worry - he was just the "victim volunteer" and survived all of his injuries. Alas, the same could not be said for poor Joe.

The class was held at Camp Wright, a Methodist summer camp on Kent Island. I spent the weekend (Easter weekend, at that) staring at the painting in the classroom that said "Camp Wright; Learning to live together in a Christian way." While I came home much better prepared to help out an injured kayaker, I am still as bad as ever at both "living together" and the "Christian way."

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...