Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A couple more local solo trips

I have had a little extra time on my hands as my old job winds down, so I have found time to kick off the kayaking season with some spur of the moment solo trips. Easter Sunday I had Mson Neck park pretty much to myself. I tried poking up Kane's Creek but quickly got stuck in the mud. Instead I paddled "to the left", along the shoreline towards the Potomac. As usual, the bird life was great - bald eagles, ospreys, cormorants. Apparently they don't take Easter off from being birds. There I am to the left, taking a break along the shore. It was so quiet and peaceful. I wound up doing some yoga along the beach. In retrospect, it looks pretty goofy with the PFD and drysuit. Trust me, it was extremely peaceful and relaxing at the time.

Today I kind of blew off work and paddled out of Columbia Island Marina in Arlington (well, technically, it's DC, but you'd never know it). I can't believe I've never launched there before - so close to home, and nice facilities. And situated on (no kidding) the Pentagon Lagoon. I have heard rumors it's a gay cruising spot in the summer, but there was no evidence of that sort of activity today. Not a single Senator in the bathroom, or anything.

I paddled up the Boundary Channel. This is a peaceful little stretch of water between Columbia Island and the Pentagon grounds. It's navigable only at high tide, and is quite narrow and shallow at best, so there are never any big boats back there. The area is inhabited both by homeless folks and a variety of wildlife, which makes for some interesting scenery. Today I saw two kinds of herons, mallards, wood ducks (they're so cute!) and cormorants. And several homeless encampments. It's a shame that people have to live this way in the capital of our rich nation.

But I digress ... I looped up around Roosevelt Island, then back down the Potomac side to the marina. Not a super long paddle, but a nice one. The dinner boats were out in force - I guess they add special lunch trips for cherry blossom season.

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...