Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Moving the Docks, Feb 2008

Here are a few pictures from moving the docks back upriver to Jack's boathouse this past weekend. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it down in time to ferry the docks back up, so I timed my arrival for when I thought they'd make it up to Georgetown. When I got there the parking lot was full but the place was deserted. It was a sunny afternoon so I took out my book and started, to paraphrase Otis Redding, Sittin' with the docks on the way, wastin' time. Within a few minutes I could see the dock flotilla start to peek out from around Roosevelt Island. Soon thereafter Frank Day alighted from a launch onto the small winter dock - a further harbinger of the docks' imminent arrival. Once the group got close we all got busy cleating, then uncleating, then swinging, then securing the docks into place.

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New York Overnight

 I recently did a quick, action-packed 1 night trip to New York.  A lot of people really didn't enjoy high school, but for me it was a r...