Friday, November 4, 2016

Coffeenuring 5.1: Donut Ride

There reaches a certain point in your life when you see things not only as they are, but how they used to be. So I'm sitting on the bench outside Duck Donuts, the self same bench that was there when that store was occupied by Baskin Robbins. Envisioning sitting there watching my kids when they were little vilde chayas sticky with melted ice cream and jet-powered by sugar, running around and around the little area beside the store.

The ice cream shop is long gone, replaced by the dreary Duck Donuts. I'm not much of a donut person, but since Duck opened with great fanfare a while back I had been meaning to get over there to try the place. Today I toted up my coffeeneuring rides to date, realized I had been sitting for a week just one ride short of the required seven, and decided that this is how I would finish up my coffeeneuring patch requirements. I think I had donuts on the brain since late-of-Pasadena Gina had reported a donut ride (Sugar Shack) on Strava this morning. The net result is that this afternoon, after some long overdue music practice, I saddled up the old straight bar beater bike and rode over to the Lee Harrison Center.
Coffee and my incorrect donut

Ordering at Duck Donuts should be easy. The only food product they sell is a single kind of donut. You get to choose a glaze, a topping, and a drizzle. I went for peanut-flavored glaze, chopped peanuts and a drizzle of hot fudge. Unfortunately, the woman behind the counter omitted two of the three when she put my order in and so what I got was a donut with just hot fudge glaze. That's 2/3 wrong, like ordering a mushroom pizza and getting a crust with mushrooms on it. Needless to say, I was underwhelmed. On the plus side, the same woman brewed a fresh pot of coffee for me since the existing one had been sitting for too long. The upshot is that they get a mediocre grade for customer service (considering both the coffee and the inept order taking) and "meh" about the donut. I probably won't go back. But I did get coffeeneuring ride #7 in, so there was value to the outing. Now I can get my little patch!

Don't tell the WABA crew - I sometimes ride my bike without first changing into a fancy bike-specific get-up.

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 I never wrote anything about Valerie and my trip to Texas - and since right now they're having some very unusual weather (accumulating ...